ICE2015: UNIX Program (Fall 2014)

[General information]


12:00 - 13:15 (Tuesday and Thursday)

Where: Lecture room #26310 (located on 3F in Engineering Bldg. II)
Official Language:


Instructor: Euiseong Seo
Associate Professor
Computer Systems Laboratory
UNIX and its variants are currently the most popular choice for server systems. Therefore, programming for UNIX systems is an essential skill for building large-scale services or high-performance software systems. However, programming in the UNIX environment must be absolutely unfamiliar experience for students in PC-era or post PC-era. In this course, students will obtain hands-on experience in UNIX system programming and earn capability to implement diverse UNIX system software including shells, debuggers, profilers and so on. To achieve this, students will also get accustomed to the UNIX programming environment and learn how to use UNIX programming tools.
  • Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library 2nd Ed. by Robert Love, O'Reilly Media, 2013
  • Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (3rd Ed.) by W. R. Stevens and S. A. Rago, Addison-Wesley, 2013
  • Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook (4th Ed.) by E. Nemeth, G. Snyder, T. Hein and B. Whaley, Prentice Hall, 2010
  • The Art of UNIX Programming by E. S. Raymond, Addison-Wesley, 2003
  • C programming skills
  • Basic knowledge of system programming
Grading: (Subject to change)
  • Class participation: 10%
  • Exams: 60% (Mid and Final)
  • Projects: 30%
Teaching Assistants:
  • 이재민
    • E-Mail: jminlee92 (at)
  • E-Mail is the preferred way to contact.