ICE3003: Computer Architecture (Spring 2011)

[General information]

When: 16:30 - 17:45 (Monday)
13:30 - 14:45 (Thursday)
Where: Lecture room #400112 #400102, Semiconductor Bldg.
Instructor: Jin-Soo Kim
Associate Professor
Computer Systems Laboratory
Computer architectures have been drastically evolved since early 1980. Pipelining, cache, and branch prediction have been major features in modern microprocessor design. They are invented for high performance processors first, then equipped in PC processors we are using everyday. In our class, we focus on common computer architectural features for personal computers, servers, and embedded devices. At the end of this course you will understand basic principles on pipelining, cache hierarchies, memory systems, storage, and I/O systems.
  • SSE2030: Introduction to Computer Systems
  • ICE2001: Logic circuits
Grading: (Subject to change)
  • Class attendance: 10%
  • Exams: 90%
Teaching Assistants:
  • 김형준 (hjkim 앳 csl 쩜 skku 쩜 edu)
  • 김제민 (jmkim 앳 csl 쩜 skku 쩜 edu)