ICE3028: Embedded Systems Design (Spring 2012)

[General information]

When: 15:00 - 16:15 (Monday)
12:00 - 13:15 (Thursday)
Where: Lecture room #400102, Semiconductor Bldg.
Instructor: Jin-Soo Kim
Associate Professor
Computer Systems Laboratory
This course focuses on principles underlying design and analysis of computational elements that interact with the physical environment. Increasingly, such embedded computers are everywhere, from smart cameras to medical devices to automobiles. While the classical theory of computation focuses on the function that a program computes, to understand embedded computation, we need to focus on the reactive nature of the interaction of a component with its environement via inputs and outputs, the continuous dynamics of the physical world, different ways of communication among components, and requirements concerning safety, timeliness, stability, and performance. Developing tools for approaching design, analysis, and implementation of embedded systems in a principled manner is an active research area. This course will attempt to give students a coherent introduction to this emerging area.

In addition, this course will give students in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the latest SSDs (Solid State Drives) as a representative example of embedded systems. Students will have a chance to develop their own firmware for the actual SSDs.

  • ICE3003: Computer Architecture (Must!)
  • SSE2030: Introduction to Computer Systems
  • SSE3044: Operating Systems
  • Note: Students should be fluent in C programming.
Grading: (Subject to change)
  • Class attendance: 10%
  • Projects: 70%
  • Exams: 20%
Teaching Assistants:
  • Yeongjae Woo (yjwoo AT csl 쩜 skku 쩜 edu)