ICE3028: Embedded Systems Design (Spring 2017)
Simulator Test Codes
Final Exam Score
Project #6 : Power-Off Recovery (Due: 23:59, 6/13)
- Submission status
- Not delayed : group 9, group 7, group 2, group 4, group 1, group 6
- Dealyed : group 5, group 3
- Notice
Make the size of block map 32 KB (2 pgs) (you can think host only issues on 16GB area)- Manage whole space with a block map (128 KB, 8 pages)
- 6/9 (Fri), 18:00, 400212 : Notice about final presentation
Project #5 : Log Block FTL
Project #5-2 : Log block FTL on Jasmine board (Due: 16:30, 5/31)
- Submission status
- Not delayed : group 3, group 9, group 4, group 2, group 1
- Dealyed : group 7, group 6
Project #5-1 : Log block FTL on NAND simulator (Due: 23:59, 5/26)
- skeleton code: hm_skeleton.tar.gz
- Submission status
- Not delayed : 공정훈, 홍정범, 여상구, 박경린, 이서석, 박종원, 조철희, 김다영, 성지수, 라종휘, 신준혁, 이동규, 김도영
- Delayed : 김동성 (1day), 김종우 (1day), 오영호 (2day), 심상우 (1day)
Project #4 : Multi-Stream SSD (Due: 09:00, 5/15)
- skeleton code :
- Submission status
- Not delayed : group 3, group 9, group 6, group 5, group 2, group 4
- Delayed : group 1, group 8, group 7
- Notice
- ftl_test.c in skeleton code is for sanity check (all write streamid is 0)
- ftl_test.c in this code is for multi-stream SSD (various streamid 0 to 7)
- Both tests should be passed
- Bug in random number generator (_GetRandValue function in ftl_test.c)
- (bug exist) gnRandValue = gnRandValue * 1103515245 + 12345;
- (bug solved) gnRandValue = (gnRandValue * 1103515245 + 12345) & (0x7FFFFFFF);
- You should modify following lines in init_metadata_sram() function
for(iter_blk = 0; iter_blk < SMALL_VBLKS; iter_blk++)
if(is_bad_block(bank, vblock + iter_blk) == TRUE) while(is_bad_block(bank, ++max_avail_blk));
- Make VCOUNT of current writing block have maximum number (To prevent being selected as a victim block)
Project #3 : Other Page mapping FTLs on simulator (Due: 23:59, 5/5)
- skeleton code : other_pm_skeleton.tar.gz
- Submission status
- Not delayed : 김종우, 김동성, 공정훈, 박종원, 박경린, 홍정범, 조철희, 김다영, 신준혁, 여상구, 성지수, 김도영, 라종휘, 이서석, 심상우, 이동규
- Delayed :
- Reference about Multi-Stream SSD
- The Multi-streamed Solid-State Drive (HotStorage'14)
- Multi-stream Write SSD (Flash Memory Summit'16)
- Notice
- Fix a bug in pm_sim.c
- Make OP_RATIO constant: 7
Project #2 : Greedy Page mapping FTL on simulator (Due: 23:59, 4/23)
- skeleton code : pm_skeleton.tar.gz
- Submission status
- Not delayed : 김종우, 김동성, 성지수, 박경린, 박종원, 김다영, 조철희, 공정훈, 여상구, 홍정범, 이서석, 이동규, 신준혁, 김태형, 라종휘, 심상우
- Delayed : 김도영 (1day)
- Notice
- Add nand.c and nand.h in skeleton file (4/19)
- Modify Makefile for Project #2 (executable 'pm' file should come out with 'make all' command)
- Rule
- s.gc++ for every gc function called, s.gc_write++ for every valid page copy in gc process
- Do not touch pm_sim.c file
- Assume 4KB data as 4B (same as Project #1)
Project #1 : NAND simulator (Due: 23:59, 4/4)
- skeleton code : nandsim.tar.gz
- Submission status
- Not delayed : 조철희, 김종우, 심상우, 박종원, 김동성, 라종휘, 박경린, 이서석, 김다영, 성지수, 공정훈, 여상구, 홍정범, 이동규, 김도영, 오영호, 김태형, 우지원
- Delayed : 신준혁 (1day)