SDE5007: 반도체 설계 특강 2 (Summer 2016)

[General information]

When: 11:00 - 18:00 (Mon. & Wed.)
Where: CDI, Samsung Electronics Co.
Instructors: Jinkyu Jeong
Computer Systems Laboratory
This is a graduate course on operating systems, and more broadly, on computer systems in general. This course will cover advanced operating system concepts as well as a broad spectrum of research topics in computer systems.
Textbook: There is no official textbook in this course. Instead, quality research papers from major conferences will be used as class materials.
Reading assignments: You should complete and submit a (handwritten) paper evaluation form before each class for selected papers shown in the Schedule page.
  • CSE3008: (Undergraduate) Operating Systems
  • ICE2003: (Undergraduate) Computer Architecture
  • CSE2003: (Undergraduate) System Programming
Grading: (Subject to change)
  • Class participation (assignments, presentations & discussions): 50%
  • Exam: 50%
Teaching Assistants:
  • None