SSE2030: Introduction to Computer Systems (Fall 2014)


The following schedule is tentative and subject to change without notice.

Day Topic Reading Projects
9/1 (M) Course overview
9/3 (W) Introduction to Unix Chap. 8
9/8 (M) National holiday
9/10 (W) National holiday
9/15 (M) File I/O Chap. 10
9/17 (W) Processes Chap. 8
9/22 (M) Processes (cont'd) Chap. 8
9/24 (W) Signals Chap. 8
9/29 (M) Pipes and FIFOs Chap. 10
10/1 (W) Pthreads Chap. 12
10/6 (M) Pthreads (cont'd) Chap. 12
10/8 (W) Pthreads (cont'd) Chap. 2
10/13 (M) Representing and manipulating integers I Chap. 2
10/15 (W) Representing and manipulating integers II Chap. 2
10/20 (M) Midterm exam week
10/22 (W) Midterm exam week
10/27 (M) Byte ordering Chap. 2
10/29 (W) Representing and manipulating floating points Chap. 2
11/3 (M) Representing and manipulating floating points (cont'd) Chap. 2
11/5 (W) Machine-level representation of programs Chap. 3
11/10 (M) Assembly I: Basic operations Chap. 3
11/12 (W) Assembly II: Control flow Chap. 3
11/17 (M) Assembly III: Procedures Chap. 3
11/19 (W) Assembly IV: Complex data types Chap. 3
11/24 (M) Buffer overflow Chap. 3
11/26 (W) Linking Chap. 7
12/1 (M) Linking (cont'd) Chap. 7
12/3 (W) Processor architecture Chap. 4
12/8 (M) Memory hiearchy Chap. 6
12/10 (W) Course summary Chap. 6
12/15 (M) -
12/17 (W) Final exam: 10:30 ~ 11:45

Credit: Most of slides for this lecture are based on slides created by textbook authors, Drs. Bryant and O'Hallaron at CMU. (see lecture notes by authors)