SSE3044: Operating Systems (Fall 2014)


The following schedule is tentative and subject to change without notice.

Day Topic Reading Projects
9/1 (M) Course overview
9/3 (W) Introduction to operating systems Chap. 1

Reading: The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System

9/8 (M) National holiday
9/10 (W) National holiday
9/15 (M) Architectural support for operating systems Chap. 2
9/17 (W) Processes vs. Threads Chap. 3, 4
9/22 (M) Locks Chap. 6
9/24 (W) Locks (cont'd) Chap. 6
9/29 (M) CPU Scheduling Chap. 5
10/1 (W) Synchronization Chap. 4
10/6 (M) Synchronization (cont'd) Chap. 4
10/8 (W) Processes Chap. 3
10/13 (M) Threads Chap. 4
10/15 (W) Threads (cont'd) Chap. 4
10/20 (M) Midterm exam
10/22 (W) -
10/27 (M) Memory management Chap. 8
10/29 (W) Paging Chap. 9
11/3 (M) Address translation Chap. 9
11/5 (W) Address translation (cont'd) Chap. 9
11/10 (M) Page replacement Chap. 9
11/12 (W) Page replacement (cont'd) Chap. 9
11/17 (M) IA32/Linux virtual memory architecture Chap. 9
11/19 (W) I/O and storage Chap. 12, 13
11/24 (M) NAND flash-based storage Chap. 12
11/26 (W) File systems overview Chap. 10
12/1 (M) File systems internals Chap. 11
12/3 (W) File system internals (cont'd) Chap. 11
12/8 (M) File system case studies Chap. 11
12/10 (W) File system case studies (cont'd) Chap. 11
12/15 (M) Final exam
12/17 (W) -

Credit: Some of slides for this lecture are based on materials provided by the textbook publisher.