SWE2004: Principles in Programming (Spring 2013)


The following schedule is tentative and subject to change without notice.

  • Week 1: Overview & Introduction - pdf
  • Week 2: Data Structures - pdf
  • Week 3: String Problems pdf
  • Week 4: Sorting Problems pdf
  • Week 5: Arithmetic Problems pdf
  • Week 6: Combinatorics pdf
  • Week 7: Number Theory pdf
  • Week 8: Midterm Exam
  • Week 9: Backtracking pdf
  • Week 10: Graph Traversal pdf
  • Week 11: Graph Algorithms pdf
  • Week 12: Dynamic Programming pdf
  • Week 13: Grid Problems pdf
  • Week 14: Geometry Problems pdf
  • Week 15: Computational Geometry
  • Week 16: Final Exam

Credit: Most of slides for this lecture are based on slides created by textbook authors, Prof. Steven Skiena at SUNY. (see http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~skiena)